segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2022

Unethical authorship or genius-like capabilities due to eugenic selection?


For too long as academia and publishers have been silent about those who seem to have super-publication powers that i mentioned in the post above. Fortunately, just a few days ago a Clarivate Analytics Director, Gali Halevi stated that:

"Any author publishing two or three papers per week strains our understanding of the normative standards of authorship and credit"

And if that is so then the Danish Full Professor, who in 2020 authored an average of 6 (six) Scopus-indexed papers per week (in other years he authored 5 papers per week) is now in a very bad situation. Assuming, of course, that Danish academia (Aalborg University) does not have ethical standards below those of Clarivate Analytics.

PS - However, a different hypothesis could explain the super-publication powers of the aforementioned Danish Professor. Let´s not forget that Denmark was the first European country to sterilize thousands of mentally handicapped persons. So is it possible that Denmark was able to forge a purer race with genius-like capabilities?