quarta-feira, 17 de maio de 2023

A Portuguese village, as the birthplace of an iconic symbol of a hypothetical future, and its deep meaning through a modern interpretation of a past that never existed


The image that starts this post concerns a rough replica (of the spaceship Eagle of the movie Space:1999) that was built and several decades ago in a small town in Alentejo, Portugal and used as a kid's playground. However, much more interesting than the attraction of those Portuguese folks to that movie is the question of how much Space:1999 is related to the Homeric Odyssey (the famous voyage of the Greek king Ulysses and its return to Ithaca after the Trojan War), and the deep interpretation of the German philosophers Theodor Adorno & Max Horkheimer of the very same voyage https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/reader/download/941/941-17-97136-3-10-20220413.pdf 

For those who do not want to waste time reading the text in the link above, let alone researching the interpretation of the Odyssey carried out by the German philosophers T. Adorno and M. Horkheimer, just read what ChatGPT wrote when I asked him, 'Produce a short essay of 200 words on the interpretation of the Odyssey by philosophers Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer and the similarities of this interpretation with the film Space: 1999'"

Answer of ChatGPT: "The interpretation of the Odyssey by philosophers Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer presents a critical view of Odysseus' journey, highlighting alienation and the perpetuation of power structures. According to them, Odysseus is an agent of oppression who does not question the structures that led him to war and the separation from his family. This interpretation finds parallels in the film "Space: 1999". In the film's plot, the Moon is launched into unknown space after an accidental nuclear explosion, and the crew of Moonbase Alpha finds themselves on a journey similar to that of Odysseus. Both works address exploration and the unknown, questioning the consequences of human actions. Both Odysseus and the crew of "Space: 1999" face challenges and dangers but are also confronted with the need to reflect on the consequences of their actions. The nuclear explosion that propels the Moon into space serves as a powerful reminder of the destructive effects of human irresponsibility. Adorno and Horkheimer's interpretation of the Odyssey and the similarities found in "Space: 1999" highlight the importance of critical reflection on our actions and their consequences. They invite us to question power structures and seek positive change in our relationship with the unknown. These works remind us of the responsibility we have when facing challenges and inspire us to seek a more conscious and transformative path"

The above context is appropriate for "resurrecting" a previous post, where I mentioned the important statement by the renowned emeritus professor Sobrinho Simões, who stated that "what distinguishes the human species is not the ability to provide answers but the ability to ask questions" https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2021/11/o-catedratico-sobrinho-simoes-e.html and this statement prompts me to request that ChatGPT provide information on what are, after all, the 19 most relevant questions for the human species, which, after all these years, have not yet been answered and it is not known when they will be, or even if they ever will be, at least for some of them. Response from ChatGPT below:

  1. What is the exact mechanism by which inorganic molecules transformed into living organisms?

  2. How does consciousness emerge from brain activity?

  3. How did the Big Bang occur, and what was there before it?

  4. How does gravity fit into quantum theories?

  5. Is there intelligent life on other planets?

  6. What is dark matter and dark energy?

  7. Is there an ultimate purpose for human existence?

  8. What is the exact mechanism behind the emergence of complex traits in living beings?

  9. Can we create an artificial intelligence that is comparable to human intelligence?

  10. What is time?

  11. What is the biological and cultural basis of language?

  12. How is memory formed and stored in the brain?

  13. In addition to the three spatial dimensions and time, are there other hidden dimensions in the universe?

  14. What are the conscious experiences of animals?

  15. What are the mental processes behind the generation of original and innovative ideas?

  16. Is it possible to travel through time, either to the past or the future?

  17. How can virtual reality alter our perception of reality?

  18. What causes mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia?

  19. What is the ultimate fate of the universe?