domingo, 3 de setembro de 2023

If “You are what you eat”, but also “what your mother ate and your grandmother ate before her” what does it mean that the Czechs consume 1000% less fish than the Portuguese?

Australian researchers have recently uncovered evidence (published in the journal Nature Cell Biology) suggesting that females can transmit increased brain protection to their descendants when they consume particular types of food. In the context of these research findings, what does it mean that the Czech diet is heavily reliant on smoked meats and Czechs eat 1000% less fish than the Portuguese (60kg/capita)?

When asked about the above question, ChatGPT responded: "...The Portuguese, with their higher fish consumption, may be more likely to pass on a richer nutritional profile to their descendants, potentially affording them greater neuroprotective advantages... Conversely, the Czech population's lower fish consumption may result in a diminished transmission of these beneficial nutrients, potentially influencing the cognitive and brain health outcomes in subsequent generations."

PS - Today an article titled "Rethinking human excellence in the AI age", was published in the Elsevier journal "Personality and Individual Differences". It involved a total of 943 participants, and its author measured intellectual humility by using Krumrei-Mancuso and Rouse (2016) 22-item Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale. It can be read that "Individuals with higher intellectual humility show more positive attitudes toward ChatGPT"