quinta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2023

TU Delft - How to use ChatGPT-4 effectively to assess student work

In a previous post (link above) I disclosed a recent study, by a professor at the well-known TU Delft, in which he used ChatGTP-4 to predict scientific impact.

Equally fascinating is the professor's recent publication, which delves into a workshop involving around 70 education experts and faculty members, on the potential and limitations of using ChatGPT-4 to evaluate students' scientific work. In the conclusions and recommendations part, it can be read that there is consensus regarding the fact that ChatGPT-4 provides valuable feedback on student work, however, it requires human supervision. Below, you'll find a compilation of 19 prompts generated during the TU Delft workshop for reference: 

1. What is the core message of this summary?
2. Is this summary clear and brief? Does it capture the research questions and performed
3. What is the contribution of the thesis?
4. How would you grade this thesis on a scale from 1 to 10?
5. Please evaluate whether this thesis meets basic research standards: introduction of
problem, relevant literature, methodology, results explained and conclusions
6. Is this an original research?
7. Does this essay meet the learning objectives of course?
8. Did chat gtp write this?
9. Has this summary been generated by chatgpt?
10. What are the outcomes of all project phases?
11. Give the definition of a good summary and look how many requirements the student checks,
based on that percentage give a grade and feedback.
12. Is this innovative work?
13. How well does this summary reflect the content of the thesis?...
14. is this abstract relevant for the firld.
15. Does the flow of the thesis make sense?
16. Can you write the summary in less words?
17. Is the goal and conclusion clear and do they align? Please also add a grade from 1 to 10, based on the Dutch grading scheme
18. Is the structure of the summary suitable for an MSc thesis?
19. Grade the following abstract of a Mechanical Engineering Master thesis, using a percentage grade.  
In the conclusions of an even more recent study, carried out by two German researchers (Jacobsen & Weber), it can be read that ChatGPT-4 offers a solid argument for its integration as a feedback tool in higher education. The main advantages are its quality and efficiency. https://osf.io/cr257

PS - A search carried out today on the Scopus platform, for publications with the terms "chatGPT" OR "chat GPT" OR "Generative Pre-Trained Transformer", returns a total of 3943 publications (34%-computer sciences, 33%-medicine, 24%-social sciences). The most prolific university is Stanford University, where the clear preference overwhelmingly leans towards the field of medicine, with a notable 58% of publications associated with chatGPT.