terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

As intrigantes contradições de um catedrático da Universidade de Oxford

Em posts anteriores já tinha tido a oportunidade de mencionar o trabalho do conhecido catedrático Sueco Nick Bostrom (membro do restrito grupo dos Scopus Highly Cited Scientists-SHCS), nomeadamente em Dezembro de 2019, no post "Universidade de Oxford: A hipótese do mundo vulnerável" e num post de Julho de 2020, sobre um artigo publicado na revista The Economist, que abordou o facto (gravíssimo) dos Governos de muitos países, incluindo de países do primeiro mundo, preferirem ignorar os riscos de muitas catástrofes  https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-economistthe-next-catastrophe-and.html 

Convém recordar que se trata do mesmo catedrático Sueco que em 2016 defendeu, que a Inteligência Artificial era muito mais perigosa para a espécie humana do que as alterações climáticas https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/12/nick-bostrom-artificial-intelligence-machine mas paradoxalmente, agora no seu novo livro, "Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World", admite uma hipotese excessivamente optimista sobre a mesma IA, que admito é teoricamente possível, mas que é muito pouco provável, no curto prazo, de uma "super" IA, que conseguirá ultrapassar a inteligência humana em todas as áreas do conhecimento e que irá permitir que os humanos já não precisem de trabalhar, porque pura e simplesmente, o trabalho humano se irá tornar nesse improvável contexto, obsoleto.  

Sobre o referido livro, reproduzo abaixo três solicitações que fiz ao modelo de IA Generativa Microsoft Copilot: 

Solicitação nº 1: Comment on the 2024 book Deep Utopia by philosopher Nick Bostrom 
Resposta do Microsoft Copilot:  "Deep Utopia” by philosopher Nick Bostrom is a thought-provoking exploration of a world where things go right. Bostrom, renowned for his previous work on superintelligence, shifts the conversation from the dangers of AI development to a scenario where we successfully develop superintelligence, govern it well, and harness its immense potential. In this solved world, human labor becomes obsolete, and we enter a state of “post-instrumentality” where our efforts are no longer necessary for practical purposes. Technological maturity even allows for the complete malleability of human nature. But here lies the philosophical and spiritual challenge: What is the purpose of human existence in such a world? What gives life meaning when practical needs are met effortlessly?


Solicitação nº 2: Provide an answer to the question: "What gives life meaning when practical needs are met effortlessly?

Resposta do Microsoft Copilot: When practical needs are met effortlessly, life’s meaning often transcends mere survival. It shifts toward self-discoverypersonal growth, and contributing to others. The canvas of existence broadens, allowing us to explore passions, relationships, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge. In this realm, lovepurpose, and connection become the vibrant hues that color our lives

Solicitação nº 3: Produce a deeper reply.

Resposta do Microsoft Copilot: In this serene realm where practical necessities no longer weigh us down, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of existence. Here, the mundane struggles of survival have receded, leaving space for the extraordinary to emerge. Let us explore the facets that illuminate life’s purpose:

1.     Self-Actualization: Freed from the shackles of scarcity, we embark on a journey of self-discovery. Our minds become fertile soil for curiosity, creativity, and exploration. We seek to unravel the mysteries of our inner landscapes, nurturing our passions and talents. The canvas of existence awaits our strokes, inviting us to paint our unique masterpiece.

2.     Connection and Compassion: When practical needs are met, our hearts expand. We recognize our shared humanity—the delicate threads that bind us all. Acts of kindness, empathy, and compassion become our currency. We find meaning in lifting others, in being the soothing balm for wounded souls. Connection transcends transaction; it becomes communion.

3.     Legacy and Contribution: The pursuit of legacy beckons. We ask ourselves: What mark shall we leave upon this world? Our actions ripple through time, shaping the lives of generations yet unborn. Whether through art, science, or simple acts of goodness, we seek to contribute—to be a footnote in the grand narrative of existence.

4.     Wonder and Awe: Practical ease does not dull our wonder. Instead, it sharpens our senses. We marvel at the intricacies of existence—the dance of particles, the constellations’ silent stories, the fragile beauty of a dew-kissed petal. Each moment becomes a whispered secret, inviting us to lean closer and listen.

5.     Transcendence: Beyond the material lies the ethereal. We yearn for glimpses of the numinous—the ineffable truths that defy logic. Whether through meditation, art, or the quiet contemplation of star-studded skies, we seek communion with the cosmos. In these moments, we touch eternity.

6.     Love: Love, the universal solvent, dissolves boundaries. When practical needs are met, love becomes our sustenance. We love fiercely—with abandon. We love the flawed, the broken, the radiant. Love is both the question and the answer, the compass guiding us toward meaning.

7.     Quest for Knowledge: Curiosity unfurls its wings. We hunger for understanding—for the secrets of existence. The pursuit of knowledge becomes a sacred pilgrimage. From quantum realms to the poetry of ancient sages, we seek to unravel the tapestry of reality.

8.     Beauty: Practical ease does not diminish our hunger for beauty. We find it in sunsets, in laughter lines etched on faces, in the symphony of raindrops on leaves. Beauty whispers to our souls, reminding us that life is more than mere survival—it is an exquisite dance.

9.     Gratitude: When practical needs are met, gratitude blooms. We bow to the universe, acknowledging the gifts bestowed upon us. Gratitude transforms ordinary moments into sacred rituals. We savor the taste of ripe fruit, the warmth of sunlight, the touch of a loved one’s hand.

10.  The Quest for Meaning Itself: Ultimately, the search for meaning becomes our North Star. We realize that life’s purpose is not a fixed destination but a perpetual journey. We embrace the questions, the uncertainties, and the paradoxes. For in seeking, we find. In questioning, we become.