domingo, 14 de maio de 2023

Game changers in science and technology: The next 10 years, 2053 and the limits of knowledge, what we will never know

Ulrich A.K.Betz,Vice President of Innovation at Merck, also Head of the department of Innovation, the same Ulrich Betz, who five years ago rightly asked "Why should a super star scientist be celebrated less than a super star football player?"  is now the first author of a very recent and most interesting article. The article was written jointly with three dozen other researchers, from universities in nearly a dozen countries, also including top universities such as Harvard, Cambridge, and Oxford. The game-changer topics are clustered into the following buckets: 

Smart Living, 
Health Enablers, 
Advanced Biotechnology,
Ubiquitous Engineering, 
Dynamic life science and 
Alternate resources for the future.

From this 33-page long article, I reproduce just a very short sentence that appears at the end of the conclusions section:"...a world where the knowledge of humanity is available to everybody at our fingertips with a press of a button, combined with empowering AI-tools and robotics, a new golden age for the polymath is dawning