quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2023

The Economist - A very competitive Western economy based on heavily drugged workers ?

Among the many interesting articles that were part of the penultimate issue of The Economist, there was not only the one on page 67, which aimed to answer the question "What would humans do in a world of super-AI?" that I mentioned in a recent post here https://pachecotorgal.com/2023/06/04/chatgpt-helps-cut-billions-in-healthcare-costs/

There was also another interesting article on page 69, where it is noted that the shortage of the neuro stimulant drug Adderall (which by the way is banned in several countries because it is  highly addictive), may be associated with a drop in productivity in the United States https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2023/05/25/what-performance-enhancing-stimulants-mean-for-economic-growth

An explanatory hypothesis could be the high pressure from employers in that country, which last year had already merited another article in the same The Economist (June 8th edition), due to the fact that they even "advised" employees to take psychedelic drugs to boost creativity https://19-pacheco-torgal-19.blogspot.com/2022/06/os-patroes-que-aconselham-os-empregados.html