quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2023

ChatGPT explica como educar as crianças Portuguesas para que o nosso país deixe de ser campeão do consumo de ansiolíticos


Ainda na sequência do conteúdo do post "Testes PISA - Alunos burros ou velhacos ?" acessível no link acima, mas principalmente do conteúdo daquele post, onde se comentou o facto dos Portugueses serem desgraçadamente, campeões internacionais no consumo de ansioliticoshttps://19-pacheco-torgal-19.blogspot.com/2023/12/telomeros-estudo-recente-mostra-como.html seria muitíssimo mais importante que a educação que se leva a efeito nas escolas deste país, se preocupasse menos em ministrar certos conteúdos, que bem vistas as coisas já tinham pouco valor no século XX e terão muito menos num mundo permeado por uma Inteligência Artificial omnipresente (e no futuro quase omnipotente) e muito mais em educar as crianças, para que no futuro não se tornem adultos viciados em ansioliticos
De forma surpreendente, ou talvez não, quando se pergunta ao ChatGPT, qual é a receita para atingir essa meta, obtêm-se a resposta abaixo, que logo no 1º ponto, mostra o quão errada é uma educação, preocupada com o sucesso nos tais datados e até famigerados testes PISA:
  1. Promote a Growth Mindset: Encourage a growth mindset by emphasizing that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Help children understand that challenges are opportunities to learn and improve rather than indicators of fixed abilities. Praise effort, strategy, and perseverance rather than inherent intelligence or talent.

  2. Set Challenging, Yet Attainable, Goals: Establishing realistic yet challenging goals allows children to experience both success and setbacks. This helps them develop the resilience to overcome obstacles and learn from failures. Goal-setting teaches the value of sustained effort and the satisfaction of achieving objectives through perseverance.

  3. Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer specific and constructive feedback that focuses on effort, improvement, and strategies used rather than simply on the end result. This helps children understand the connection between their actions and outcomes, fostering a sense of agency and control over their learning process.

  4. Encourage Passion and Interest: Help children identify and pursue their interests. When individuals are passionate about a subject, they are more likely to invest time and effort into mastering it. Educators can create an environment that allows for exploration and nurtures curiosity, laying the foundation for sustained interest and commitment.

  5. Teach Time Management and Organization: Grit often involves effective time management and organizational skills. Educators can provide tools and guidance to help children plan and prioritize tasks, break larger goals into manageable steps, and develop a sense of responsibility for their work.

  6. Model Perseverance: Demonstrate perseverance and resilience in your own actions and reactions. Share personal stories of challenges and how you overcame them. Modeling grit provides children with real-world examples of how perseverance contributes to success and personal growth.

  7. Encourage Problem-Solving: Foster a problem-solving mindset by presenting challenges that require critical thinking and creativity. Encourage children to explore different solutions, learn from mistakes, and adapt their strategies based on feedback. Problem-solving experiences contribute to the development of grit.

  8. Cultivate a Supportive Environment: Create a classroom culture that values effort, collaboration, and mutual support. Foster a sense of community where children feel comfortable taking risks and seeking help when needed. A supportive environment can significantly impact a child's ability to persevere through challenges.

  9. Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate incremental progress and small victories. Recognizing and rewarding effort, improvement, and perseverance reinforces the idea that grit is built through continuous engagement and commitment.

  10. Integrate Reflection and Goal Adjustment: Encourage regular reflection on progress and setbacks. Teach children to assess their goals, evaluate their strategies, and adjust their approach as needed. This reflective practice builds self-awareness and adaptability, essential components of grit.