terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2024

Ingold’s (Scopus highly cited) Blueprint for a More Sustainable, Creative, and Just world



Expanding on the previous post discussing the Sisyphean nature of existence under capitalism it's relevant to highlight Professor Ingold's seminal work Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description. This book, has amassed over 3,000 citations on Scopus, drawing attention from researchers across 25 scientific disciplines.

Ingold critiques the tendency of modern thought to separate the mind from the body, humans from nature, and knowledge from practice. He argues that understanding the world involves recognizing the fluidity and interconnectedness of these elements, proposing that knowledge is not something abstract but something lived and practiced. By emphasizing process over product, engagement overconsumption, and relationality over individualism, his philosophy invites a transformation in how we think about work, life, and our relationship with the environment. If integrated into societal practices, Ingold’s views could help nurture a more sustainable, creative, and just world.

PS - In this context, particularly regarding the theme of 'interconnectedness,' it is worth revisiting a previous post commeting an editorial by Barry K. Gills, Professor at the University of Helsinki and Editor-in-Chief of Globalizations.  https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2020/11/from-great-implosion-to-great-awakening.html