sábado, 5 de outubro de 2024

Nature paper_How Carbon Revenues Can Save Us from Climate-Induced Chaos


Building on my previous post about the crucial responsibilities of academics in addressing the climate emergency and embracing sustainable practices (linked above), where I referenced Thomas Piketty’s latest book, which argues that economic inequality is a major barrier to achieving harmony between humanity and nature, I’d like to highlight a recent study published on Nature Climate Change. 

Led by Johannes Emmerling, a senior scientist at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, the study assesses how climate change is projected to increase inequality within countries. It estimates that, if left unaddressed, the Gini index—a measure of income inequality—could rise significantly.

However, the study offers a promising solution: redistributing carbon revenues equally among citizens. This approach not only offsets the short-term economic costs of climate policies but also reduces inequality, potentially lowering the Gini index https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02151-7#Sec7

PS - In this context, it's important to remember the wise advice "what will defeat terrorism is not military actions but basically two things: the Rule of Law and basic living conditions like education and jobs" https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2019/09/2019-paper-by-german-researchersincome.html