segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2025

Newton's triumph and Darwin's tragedy: Lessons for 21st century researchers?


A professor at a US university, renowned for authoring highly cited articles indexed in Scopus—one of which has already received more than 5,000 citations—recently published an intriguing article. In it, he advocates for a new epistemological framework he calls Holistic Action Research and Design Science- HARDS.

In his article, the professor argues that the application of HARDS principles was instrumental in catapulting Isaac Newton to both scientific and economic success. Conversely, he contends that the absence of these principles contributed to the tragedy of Charles Darwin. Despite Darwin’s groundbreaking theory of evolution, he received little scientific recognition during his lifetime and missed financial opportunities he could have easily seized by adhering to such principles. 

One critical aspect overlooked in the article is the stark difference in global challenges faced by Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin compared to those confronting 21st-century researchers. In Newton and Darwin's eras, the dominant concerns revolved around advancing knowledge in isolated domains, with no awareness of global crises like climate change. Today, researchers face an interconnected world grappling with the looming threat of a climate apocalypse. Paradoxically, modern society, despite being equipped with unprecedented access to scientific data and advanced predictive tools, seems alarmingly indifferent to the gravity of this existential crisis.