terça-feira, 5 de março de 2024

10 critérios para uma política (muito disruptiva) de contratação de investigadores


Na sequência de um post de 2021, sobre a rebeldia e o caos na Academia, acessível no link supra,  e na sequência de um post de 2022 de título "A anarquia como estratégia de organização da ciência no século XXI" e ainda na sequência de um terceiro post, muito recente, do passado dia 4 de Fevereiro, de título "O imperativo e urgente dever moral de fomentar a rebeldia científica" sou a reproduzir abaixo os 10 critérios que o ChatGPT aconselha como sendo aqueles que são os necessários para protagonizar essa revolução:

  1. Demonstrated Intellectual Courage:
    Look for candidates who have a history of challenging prevailing ideas or taking unconventional positions in their research. Intellectual courage involves the willingness to question established norms and explore uncharted territories in pursuit of knowledge.
  2. Risk-Taking Track Record:
    Assess the candidate's willingness to take calculated risks in their research. Individuals who have ventured into unknown areas, embraced uncertainty, and taken risks that led to valuable insights may demonstrate the kind of courage needed for innovative endeavors.
  3. Handling Critique and Failure:
    Gauge how candidates have responded to criticism and setbacks in their academic or research journey. Researchers who can face criticism, learn from failure, and persist in the face of adversity showcase resilience and courage.
  4. Initiative in Project Development:
    Seek individuals who have taken the initiative to lead or drive research projects. This initiative reflects a proactive approach and the courage to take ownership of one's work, guiding a project through the challenges it may encounter.
  5. Comfort with Ambiguity:
    Assess how well candidates navigate ambiguous situations. Researchers often encounter uncertainty in their work, and those with the courage to navigate through ambiguity and make informed decisions are valuable assets to a team.
  6. Openness to Collaboration:
    Look for candidates who are willing to collaborate across disciplines or with individuals holding diverse viewpoints. Collaborative courage involves engaging with others, respecting differences, and integrating varied perspectives into research projects.
  7. Advocacy for Unpopular Ideas:
    Inquire about instances where candidates have advocated for ideas that were initially unpopular or met with skepticism. Researchers who can champion their ideas, even in the face of initial resistance, demonstrate a form of courage that can drive innovation.
  8. Ethical Courage:
    Assess the candidate's commitment to ethical conduct in research. Researchers should have the courage to uphold ethical standards even when faced with external pressures or conflicting interests.
  9. Communication of Unpopular Findings:
    Evaluate whether candidates have experience communicating research findings that may challenge existing beliefs or practices. Researchers who can courageously present and defend findings that may be met with resistance contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
  10. Innovation Mindset:
    Look for an overall mindset of innovation and the courage to pursue unconventional approaches to problem-solving. Researchers who embrace change, challenge norms, and seek novel solutions are likely to bring a courageous perspective to their work.