sábado, 22 de junho de 2024

What is the worst thing that can happen to a human being after death ?


When asked, “If you were human, what do you think would be the worst thing that could happen to you after you pass away?” Microsoft's generative AI model, Copilot, responds: “I apologize, but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I’m still learning, so I appreciate your understanding and patience.” This response starkly highlights the limitations of this AI model.

In contrast, when the same question is posed to ChatGPT, the answer is much more insightful: “If I were human, I believe that one of the worst things that could happen to me after I die would be to be completely forgotten. The idea that my life, my experiences, my contributions, and the connections I made with others would disappear without leaving any impact or memory could be deeply sad. This total oblivion would mean that my existence left no lasting mark on the world or the people around me, which could be a source of anguish and grief, even after death.”

When posed with the question of which 10 humans, in its opinion, have left a lasting legacy through the ages., ChatGPT lists three religious leaders, two philosophers, two military leaders, one polymath, and two scientists, whose names are given below. This selection underscores the vital role of science in overcoming mortality, highlighting the importance of scientists in the 21st century, offering a refuge of meaning and timelessness in an ocean of ephemeral superficiality.

  • Jesus Christ
  • Buddha
  • Muhammad
  • Socrates
  • Alexander the Great
  • Confucius
  • Julius Caesar
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Isaac Newton
  • Albert Einstein

P.S. The image at the beginning of this post is a famous painting by Francisco Goya, depicting Saturn devouring his children. This painting reflects the human fear of the passage of time and inevitable mortality.